Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Advent 2022: Day 21: Colin and Allen

Allen: After we open today's Advent prize, we're one more day closer to Christmas.
Colin: Well, Allen, that's simple Claus and effect!
Allen: Nice.

Allen: There's our door, number 21!

Allen: Shall we?
Colin: There's snow time like the present!

Colin: If I stand up on my mistle-toes, I can just reach it.

Allen: It's a lamppost with some holly & ivy decoration!

Colin: We'll put it next to the Christmas 'copter so they can see to make night landings.

Colin: I'm beginning to wonder about this Saint Nicholas person.
I think our presents really come from Daddies Steve and John.
Allen: You're just a rebel without a Claus.
Colin: Nice.


Sasha's Vintage Boutique said...

oh, Collin...a guy after my own heart! Puns are the best!

Dee said...

Did that Colin stay at Marti's for a few weeks? He seems to be full of puns!
(Quite clever ones too! Don't tell them I said so or they'll just get worse!)

a nice festive lamppost