Monday, December 5, 2022

Advent 2022: Day 5: Nathan & Carolyn

Nathan: Well!  Looks like the old girl outdid herself this year.

Carolyn: I really don't think Holly Belle would appreciate being called an 'old girl'.
Nathan: She's not here, so we'll never know, will we?
Carolyn: Just open the door.

Nathan: There's Door 5; way up on the roof!

Carolyn: careful, you fool.

Nathan: Gotcha!  Hey, it's a train!

Carolyn: Looks more like a train wreck, if you ask me.
Nathan: Just watch this train-gineer at work!

Nathan: Ta-da!
Carolyn: Aww, too bad Kaveh didn't open this one.
He loves trains.

Nathan: And there's a nice track we can set it on.

1 comment:

Dee said...

Looks like opening those windows could get dicey as more items are added. Lucky Nathan could balance on the board, assisted by Carolyn. Will be interesting to see how others will manage later!
A lovely train for the scene