Sunday, December 13, 2020

Advent Day 13: Alice & Gavin


Alice: My goodness, look at this set-up.  
Gavin: So cool.  Go ahead and pick, Alice.  Ladies' honor.

Alice: Well, thank you, Gavin.  There's number 13, right above Santa's elf.
Gavin: That reminds me of a joke!  This elf walks into a bar...

Alice: Oh dear, I do believe we've gotten a car.
Gavin: OH YES!  

Gavin: So. Cool.

Alice: It looks rather unsafe.  And an open top?  In the winter?
Gavin: So. Cool.


Sasha's Vintage Boutique said...

Alice is a cautious little thing, isn’t she?! Oh well, she’ll get braver as she grows!

Dee said...

Getting a nice collection of hot wheel cars along with the stranger objects!

NeverUschi said...

Alice is such a pretty thing! I love the No Navels with the longer wings to their fringe.