Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Advent Day 16: Marta & Dan Ryan

Marta: Why don't you go ahead and open today's prize, Dan Ryan?
Dan Ryan: Whatever you say, ma'am.

Dan Ryan: Day 16, coming right up!

Marta: Ooooh, I think I know what it is!

Marta: Yes, yes I'm sure of it now.
Dan Ryan: Well, ma'am, are you going to share?

Marta: It's a cute harness for the reindeer! 
Dan Ryan: Spot on, ma'am!  Now all they need is a sleigh and bag full of toys!


Dee said...

Well Marta is the girl to have around, she was straight in with exactly what the strange looking blue item
was !
Dan is a very polite lad

Sasha's Vintage Boutique said...

someone should tell that "women of a certain age" don't like to be called ma'am...might get him a fat lip! lol!!