Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Advent Day 22: Kaveh & Pamela

Pamela: Ready for our turn at the Advent calendar, Kaveh?
Kaveh: Indeed I am.  But first, if I may...?
Pamela: You may...what?

Kaveh: Well, Bowie and Valerie told me about the toy they drew and 
I think I've figured out what it is.
Pamela: Oooh, what?

Kaveh: It's a plow attachment!  We'll snap it onto this Hot Wheels here 
and it looks like he's plowing out the roads for the other cars.
Pamela: Clever!  

Pamela: Shall we choose our door now?
Kaveh: We shall!

Pamela: Ooof, another one close to the top!  Don't they know not all little kids are that tall?

Kaveh: He's a grumpy looking chap, isn't he?

Pamela: He's one of Santa's elves; probably tired of making all those toys.  
I know right where he'll go.

Pamela: There we go.  With his snowman friends he won't be grumpy for long.
Kaveh: Genius.


NeverUschi said...

Kaveh is a smart boy!
Our snow plow man would be very envious, could he see the hot car this plow is attached to! It will clear the road in no time.

J. Campbell said...

I love Kaveh! He and Frank are my favorites. 😘

Gregor Daddies said...

Thanks J Campbell! Yes, Frank and Kaveh are sweet boys.

Dee said...

I think Kaveh needs to be given the job of checking the goods over once all the windows have been opened, I’m
sure he will be able to make sure everything is where it should be.