Sunday, December 6, 2020

Advent Day 6: Mikko & Tyler

Mikko and Tyler: YAY!!!  HOT WHEELS!!!

Tyler: Let's not waste any time and get right to it.  Here's the door for day 6.

Mikko: Aw darn, it's not a Hot Wheels car.  It's just a reindeer.

Mikko: Although...if we put him on the snow's like he needs some 
extra help getting Santa and his sleigh off the ground.

Tyler: Or, or...maybe there'll be another ramp and we can put the cars in
between the two ramps and watch Rudolph jump them like Evel Knievel!
Mikko: I like the way you think.


Dee said...

Nice to see the boys imagining just what they can do , once all the
Items have been found for the calendar.
I’m sure there will be lots of fun with this come Christmas Eve.

Sasha's Vintage Boutique said...

The advent calendar makers should consult these boys for next year's calendars. They might have some original ideas!

Serenata said...

Now that is not 'just a reindeer' lads, but Santa's reindeer, magical indeed!